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One of the best things about doing what I do is not knowing where I’m gonna be tomorrow, so when Dana Kien at the Wall Street Journal asked if I wanted to shoot Irish singer Enya, there was no hesitation when I said ‘Yes!”. She was going to be in New York to promote her new album and I could get an hour with her at her hotel between interviews and TV gigs. So Robert and I loaded up the van and drove downtown to the St. Regis Hotel…

I didn’t know what kind of suite we would have to work with, but I did know all of the rooms at the St. Regis face North, so we would probably have lots of soft window light to play with. And when we got there, the first thing I did was see how Robert looked with nothing but that available light…



Well…that was easy…now what else can we do?!! The bedroom was pretty opulent complete with a nice, velvet wallpaper…



…and I also brought a lavender seamless that I could drop for a variation…


…that looked like this…


I think we’re ready to go! And as cute as Robert was, I knew Enya would bring a bit more to the table…



Next we pulled the seamless outta the way, added a pillow from the bed for her to lean on and pulled back a lot on the clarity to soften things up…this is how it looked…

Now let’s move onto the windows…



You’ll notice that I got rid of those windows across the street…it just makes everything look a lot cleaner and more elegant.



And here’s the page from today’s Wall Street Journal


Thanks to Dana for the great shoot…and thanks to Enya for letting me turn her suite into a studio for an hour!


21 thoughts on “Enya

  1. I like that you removed the building across the street – Lends a bit more “Ethereality” to the scene and seems fitting for Enya’s music…

    I’m curious though, in the WSJ’s use they left it in. Is that more their editorial decision since the image really isn’t a news photo in the strict sense of the word – more of a portrait actually.

  2. Great photos, Brad! Enya is one of my favourites & I often play her CDs. Thanks for including the interesting WSJ article – Imagine living in a Castle in Ireland! It must have been quite the renovation project.

  3. Yes, my thoughts as well…WSJ decided to keep the Windows. How do you feel about that?

    The WSJ is still a newspaper and as such, they don’t allow any retouching…even to their feature portraits. Aside from color and contrast, I can’t do anything to the stuff that publishes in the paper. For myself, that’s another story… BT

  4. The choice of shot for the WSJ is interesting, its a great profile shot and I don’t mind the building in the background. Irrespective of their editorial policy I think it looks a bit odd without anything in the background.

  5. I’ve started posting to WP again, first image “The Monday Picture” is up tomorrow 09:00 UK time. Please check it out and feel free to post comments.

  6. since the year of 1987 a close friend of mine give me a tape of Enya”s first album and i was delighthed with her incredibliy sweet voice, untill now i am a huge fan, from México city a far away country from ireland I love enya”s music, i remember since the early 80″s the age of Clannad, Timeless art of Enya will be in my heart forever, thanks God for her and for existing!!!!

  7. Congratulations for this amazing pictures, very professional art work, thanks for sharing this part of your life with us, i feel like i am beside her is unbelievable, greetings from México city, if you want to visit let me know i am only 15 minutes from the airport, i really mean it, blessings!!!! my phone number 55 57947678. than you very much.

  8. É a 1ª vez que digito no google um nome de mulher famosa para ver imagens suas e não aparece nenhuma imagem dela seminua. Viva Paulão de Tarso, o parenético por excelência, aquele Paulão que emprestou duplamente seu nome ao Brasil. É que sua intercessão na inteligência cósmica e universal do Criador puríssimo e misericordioso, associada à sua aura efusiva de graça para os humanos, desembarcou na vida daquela criatura de nome Enya….

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