Larry Fink for Barron’s

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With over $3.7 trillion (not a typo…with a “T”) of assets under management, BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, and CEO Larry Fink runs the whole ball of wax. And you would be right in assuming that posing for pictures is pretty far down his ‘To-Do’ list, so when Adrian asked me to shoot him for the magazine’s new ‘CEO Spotlight’ feature, I knew I would have precious little time and have to be nailed down and ready to go when he got to the set. The CEO Spotlight is formatted with the subject silhouetted onto the page and has to be shot on white seamless, but with few locations at BlackRock large enough for us to set up a mini studio, we decided to drop our paper right in a hallway on the executive floor. Enjoy…

Initial setup…

Add a couple of skim lights…

Insert CEO…

Change angles for a couple of variations…

Bake and serve…

9 thoughts on “Larry Fink for Barron’s

  1. Great post!
    Silly question, but in the final photos, are you physically removing the board from the initial setup shot and having him stand on paper, or are you blowing that out using the lighting, or removing the edges in post? One struggle I’ve had with this type of lighting setup is that I can never get edges of the things like the board to disappear except in post.

    If I understand your question, the board that Kaz is standing on in the setup shots is removed before the subject hits the paper…it’s just there to keep things as clean as possible until the last minute. But it’s super easy to silhouette a shot like this in Photoshop since it’s already on white. Usually I like to shot on white plexi so I get a clean reflection on the floor, but hauling a 4×8 chunk of plastic around for something like this is overkill. BT

  2. Fantastic work as usual. I really appreciate the sophistication and simplicity of your set-ups and how you so willing share them with the world. Thanks for the education and inspiration.

  3. Thank you! that’s what I was looking for. How it’s done style of your posts. Keep them coming please.

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